đź’ˇ How to Never Run Out of Content Ideas

Read this in 4 mins - Your endless content generation machine awaits

Picture this…

You just started a brand new TikTok channel. Your niche? Cars.

You begin posting all the time - 3, 4, 5 times a day.

Your content is popping off. 10 views turns into 100 views turns into 1,000 views.

Your follower count is blowing up. You’re enjoying every second.

You’re passionate about your content; you think to yourself that this is actually fun!

Next thing you know… you’re a few months in, you go to shoot your next video… and nothing.

Nada. Zilch. Zero.


You can’t come up with a single idea. You have the dreaded writers block.

But that’s not gonna fly. Because guess what? You NEED to produce content.

Your fans are counting on you. This is supposed to be your career. How can you only be a few months in and not have a single new idea?

So you run to the computer.

You Google “How to come up with new content ideas?”

All of them say the same thing…

  • Notion templates

  • Reuse old content

  • Google “frequently asked questions”

  • Keyword research

  • Subreddits and Quora

Sure, those could help. But if you’re not passionate about the topics that appear… it is going to show through in your content. People will get bored and tune out.

I’ll let you in on a little secret…

It’s exactly what I do at Creator Exclusive.

I use other people’s content.

Season 18 Omg GIF by America's Got Talent


Yes, I use other people’s content as my own content - in the form of interviews.

Think about it. When your brand is based around other people’s content, you will never run out of ideas.

There are an infinite amount of people to interview about any number of topics. You have an endless pipeline of material to source.

For creators starting out, this is best to understand right from the get go.

But for those already underway, you can incorporate interviews at any time into your brand. People love to hear stories, especially about people they are fans of. It’s a tale as old as time.

Still not convinced? Here are…

5 Reasons to Use Interviews to Never Run Out of Content

1) Makes Your Brand Real and Relatable

Interviews, whether they're on podcasts, in written form, or on video, add a personal touch to your content. Hearing directly from people makes your brand more relatable and trustworthy.

2) Provides Expert Insights

By interviewing experts in your niche, you can offer your audience valuable insights and advice. This not only educates your audience but also positions your brand as an extremely knowledgeable source of information. You also don’t have to do any of the expert work involved ;)

3) Engages Your Audience

People love stories, and interviews are a great way to share them. An engaging conversation can captivate your audience, making them more likely to stick around and explore more of your content.

4) Expands Your Reach

When you interview guests, especially those with their own following, you tap into their audience as well. This can significantly increase your visibility and attract new followers or customers to your brand. What’s better than that?

5) Versatile Content

Interviews can be repurposed into multiple formats. A video interview can be transcribed into a blog post, broken down into social media snippets, or even turned into an infographic. This versatility ensures that you get the most out of every interview.

I want to also mention a point that may have been overlooked… by creating interviews you are actually creating original content. You are asking people original questions and provoking thoughts that they may never have encountered before. You are putting your own spin on things and getting the most out of the interviewee.

So if you ever think you’ve run out of content, think again. Talk to someone you know who has an interesting perspective or story to share. I guarantee you’ll get endless ideas and content out of it.

Good luck interviewing, and let me know how it goes!

TikTok Vid of the Week


Dont mind if I do 🫦. IB: @Taylor Matthew Desse #work #worklife #fyp #vacation #timeoff #firealarm

You’ve probably seen this video on TikTok… our featured creators of the week, the North Valley Group! 3M+ followers across all socials

YouTube Vid of the Week

The North Valley Group is looking to blow up their YouTube account… go give them a follow!

Creator Exclusive Weekly Interview … with the North Valley Group

An excerpt of our interview with a family of realtors and social media sensations the North Valley Group…

Hey North Valley Group! How did you come up with content and creator idea?

None of us had significant experience in content creation to be honest. We all used social media casually, but nothing serious. It was only when we got together and began creating content as the North Valley Group together that things started to take shape. We weren't designing any reels or content outside of what we did as a group. It was a 100% collaborative effort.

As for starting our brand and gaining traction, it definitely was not an overnight success. I recall one of our first videos doing really well on TikTok in November 2021. That moment sort of sparked the realization that, hey, maybe we should take this more seriously. 

So, in the following months, we decided to put a lot more effort into it. Fast forward and 2022 and 2023 have been almost entirely dedicated to making content creation our main priority. It's been a journey of over two years to get to where we are now.

About our real estate business, yes, we do get some leads from the content we create. However, as our focus has gradually shifted away from real estate content, it hasn't been as much a lead generation tool. 

That being said, the content definitely helps, as it keeps us on top of people's minds when they see us in public – we're the group of realtors they remember. So, it's been a beneficial and rewarding shift overall to content. 

There’s also a few things that are unique to our brand that help us stand out. Our dad's a baby boomer, a couple of us are millennials, and we also have a Gen Z in the mix. This creates relatability across the age groups of our followers that has really boosted our presence online - there’s something for everyone in our content.

Second, we had a real estate business before we dived into this, so we already knew a bit about the effort required and had resources to back us up. We just redirected our attention from real estate to social media when things started slowing down in that market, and went into it with the same mindset of treating it like a full time business.

But probably the biggest thing that keeps us going is acting as a support group to each other. We encourage each other and keep each other accountable. If we were each doing this solo, we all probably would have called it quits a long time back. But, having each other around, having that balance on up and down days... that's what keeps us going.

Help Me Improve the Creator Chronicle

Thanks for reading Week 9 of the Creator Chronicle everyone!

If you could, please let us know what you enjoyed (or didn’t) with a very quick reply to this email.

We’ll catch you next week - until then, keep creating!