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  • The Creator Economy (and it's $250 BILLION) is waiting for you 💸

The Creator Economy (and it's $250 BILLION) is waiting for you 💸

Your creator updates, insights, and inspiration - as promised

Hey everyone, JP here - founder of Creator Exclusive.

Today is the very first edition of The Creator Chronicle - your exclusive source for creator updates, insights, and inspiration.

As this is the very first issue, I would love some feedback.

If you could please hit “reply” to this email and let me know what you think (both the good AND bad in 30 seconds or less) it will go a long way to making this the best creator resource on the web.

Without further ado, let’s hop into it!

In today’s issue:

  • A new social media platform?? In THIS economy!?

  • Washington Post dives DEEP into the world of creators

  • People are making money off fart humour … just start creating already

This Week in the Creator Economy

Creator Deep Dive

The Washington Post recently released a comprehensive article into the state of the creator economy.

It’s a great read with many links to additional articles, focusing in on on everything from how big the economy is to how creators are influencing politics - I highly suggest you take a look.

What really caught my eye though was in the opening few paragraphs - “the creator economy has often been laughed off as silly or self-absorbed.”

Well… no kidding. As early as last year, I thought the exact same thing.

But as the industry soared to an estimated value of almost $250B USD, and is forecasted to reach $480B by 2027, I find it harder and harder to ignore.

I no longer think creators are “cringe” or embarrassing. Hell, I think they’re genius.

Mr. Beast earned an estimated $82M in 2023… from making YouTube videos. How can you call that silly?

The creator economy is a bonafide powerhouse, something that consumes most of our livelihood.

Think about how many hours a day you spend on TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, or X… I guarantee it’s closer to many hours than it is to many minutes.

So why resist getting in on the action? If you’re consuming that much social media, that much content… wouldn’t you also want a piece of the pie?

2024 is the year to go from CONSUMER to CREATOR.

Shake off the pre-conceived notions and external judgment, and at least consider joining the approximately 50 million people around the world working as creators.

There’s $250B to go around… enough for everyone, right?

Let me know what you think. Are you looking to become a creator in 2024?

TikTok Cringe of the Week


#wife #cuplegoals #husband #relationship #funny #morning #caffe #fart #crazy #video #fyi #😂😂😂

Fart humour … never gets old

Tweet of the Week

Didn’t I say that same thing in our “Deep Dive”?

Creator Exclusive Weekly Interview … with Tacobellion

An excerpt of our interview with the Clash Royale YouTube & TikTok creator Tacobellion aka Sam Wood…

Hey Sam! What do you think is in store for the future of the Creator Economy?

I’ve thought long and hard about the future of content creation, and I'll talk about YouTube because that's kind of my field - that’s what I'm really obsessed with, but I believe the future is very humanity and people focused.

Over the last couple of years, it's been very algorithm based, flashy videos, crazy stakes - almost like an artificial game show. But it worked and it's taken over YouTube. A lot of people call it the Mr. Beastification of YouTube, but I think it's straying away from that, especially with emerging AI, because AI can do all of that with the snap of a finger.

So I think what's really going to flourish in the next 2 to 3 years from now is going to be very personal human connections. The people that can convey emotions and get the viewer to feel emotion when watching their videos are going to be the most successful, and you can see it already in the top creators' content.

I'll go back to the Mr. Beast example. In his new videos, there's little clips that he now keeps that are authentic reactions to something happening in the video. 2 years ago that would never have been the case or made the final cut because it doesn't really add to engagement - it doesn’t help the algorithm based viewpoint or the video at all.

But now and in the future, that split second connection with the viewer on a person to person level is going to be really important, and that is what's going to separate the people that are successful now versus the people that fall off later. There are going to be so many creators that are up and coming and going to be successful, and they just need to keep that humanity aspect in mind.

That’s all for this week folks!

If you could, please let us know what you enjoyed (or didn’t) with a very quick reply to this email.

We’ll catch you next week - until then, keep creating!