✅ 8 Steps to Turn Your Creator Brand into a Business

Creator AND entrepreneur? Who would've guessed!

What to do when your creator brand is killing it, but you want to turn your brand into something more than just a YouTube or TikTok account?

Check it out.

You’re making new videos every week, your subscriber count has reached the magic 10K followers mark, and the sky is the limit.

But just like our topic last week… you want more.

You want to turn this hobby of yours into a full time career.

And why shouldn’t you? You spend hours after your 9-5 job creating videos, editing, and posting them for the world to see.

You also make sacrifices… you miss seeing family, friends, and going to events on the weekend so you can get your latest masterpiece done.

But what a lot of creators get wrong is that they think they can just keep posting content and the money will start rolling in.

Sure, that works for a lot of people. And by a lot of people, I mean those with hundreds of thousands, if not millions of followers.

But you’re not in that boat. You can’t rely solely on AdSense to generate revenue. Your videos don’t have that reach (yet).

And sponsorship revenue is incredibly variable. You could make $10K one month and absolutely zero the next.

So what can you do? Well, you need to make a business out of your creator brand.

Yes, there is more to creating content than just posting the content.

If you want to become a full time content creator… you need to think like an entrepreneur.

Some of the creators I’ve had a chance to talk to recently (Tech Wizzdom and Kai Vertigoh) have done this perfectly.

They’ve developed their own website, built their own personal brand, started newsletters, built courses and digital products, and have an email list of their own (the holy grail).

I highly recommend checking out their articles over at Creator Exclusive for more in depth, personal insight about building a creator business (they both have over 300K followers each and, as mentioned, multiple revenue streams).

But for now, let’s stay focused and check out 8 Steps to Turn Your Creator Brand into a Business.

Could you be the next Kris Jenner??

kris jenner GIF by KUWTK

How to Turn your Creator Brand into a Business (8 Step Process)

1) Pick Your Niche

Before anything else, determine the core focus of what you offer. A clearly defined niche helps you stand out in the crowded creator space. Whether it's digital art, fashion, travel, or tech reviews, your niche should reflect your expertise and passion.

2) Build High-Quality Content

Content is king, and the quality of your output will often dictate the level of engagement you receive. Invest time into producing exceptional work that adds value to your audience. Whether you create videos, podcasts or written content, prioritize excellence.

3. Grow Your Audience

Use your social media platform(s) of choice to connect with your target demographic. Authentic engagement with your community, effective usage of trends, collaborations with other creators – these are all great avenues to audience expansion.

4) Take Your Audience Off Platform

Don't put all your eggs in one basket. By moving your followers to a dedicated website or blog, you can create an independent hub for your content, reducing the risk associated with platform algorithm changes. THIS STEP IS KEY.

5) Build an Email List

An email list is a gold mine for direct marketing. With newsletters, you control the narrative and the timing, offering personalized content and promotions directly to your most engaged followers.

6) Invest in Marketing

Visibility is crucial. Allocate resources to SEO for your content, Google AdWords, social media ads, and consider other influencer partnerships or collaborations to magnify your reach and drive traffic to your monetized outlets.

7) Outsource Yourself

Once the base of your brand is stable, invest in a team. Outsourcing tasks like editing, social media management, and customer service allows you to focus on new content and strategy. That’s what you got in the social media game for, didn’t you?

8) Diversify

Monetize your brand through various streams such as merchandise, affiliate marketing, sponsored content, paid subscriptions, or exclusive content. Diversification helps weather the ups and downs of entrepreneurship. Look at that - you can call yourself an entrepreneur now!

TikTok Vid of the Week


i do the same w my subway sandwiches

Josh Anglo is this week’s featured content creator… we had an awesome interview on the power of being authentically yourself while creating content

TikTok Vid of the Week #2


if they play victorious at the club its wraps

His car music skits absolutely kill it with the views… check out his TikTok channel for a guaranteed laugh!

Creator Exclusive Weekly Interview … with Josh Anglo

An excerpt of our interview with Canadian TikTok star and overall great guy Josh Anglo…

Hey Josh! What are your biggest lessons learned and challenges faced from your content creation journey?

Looking back on my journey as Josh Anglo the content creator, the most significant lesson I've learned is that believing in yourself can enable you to achieve your dreams. Despite starting out and feeling like this life was a pipe dream, pushing through just allowed me to see what I was really capable of.

I remember this one moment pretty vividly - I was in London. I was flown out to London to do work with the Body Shop, and I remember I was standing on a pier, looking out over the water. Super dramatic. But I thought to myself that this was all me - I did all of this with my own two hands. That was the realization that I had truly made it.

As for the challenges, there are a couple of aspects that can be tough. On the one hand, the freedom being a content creator offers is amazing; deciding my schedule and sharing my thoughts with the world can’t be beat. However, this freedom can also be a double-edged sword. When I take breaks from making videos, it's challenging to get back into the groove.

Working with brands can be a bit of a challenge as well. Each brand has specific expectations, especially the bigger the brand, and it often feels like a compromise. I don't like feeling like I'm selling out, and I feel the pressure from these brands to deliver content that might not resonate with my audience.

I would also say that turning my passion into a job has brought along creative burnout. Sometimes, the pressure to constantly come up with new content can be draining, taking the fun out of the journey.

Don't get me wrong, although it may seem like it, content creation isn't as easy as people perceive it. Creating content independently can feel isolating, especially when you're out of ideas. It's a balance between enjoying the freedom to do things my way and missing the opportunity to bounce ideas off others that you might get from a stable 9-5 job,

All in all, each experience, be it a challenge or an opportunity, has shaped me, but I wouldn't trade this journey for anything else.

Help Me Improve the Creator Chronicle

Thanks for reading Week 10 of the Creator Chronicle everyone. Appreciate everyone who’s gotten us to this point already!

If you could, please let us know what you enjoyed (or didn’t) with a very quick reply to this email.

We’ll catch you next week - until then, keep creating!